Why it’s important to time your fitness- To cope up with lockdown stress waves, and cooperate with immunity.

Sakshi Mishra
4 min readJun 29, 2020

The human body is a world itself. It has its powerhouse as well as the enemies inside. All it needs is to balance. Balancing the body and mind and coordinating it to the tunes of nature is certainly the right step towards peace and happiness.

Someone is disappointed about not having glowing skin; someone is disappointed about not having a muscular body, someone is sad about not earning well and some are sad about not having space around. Most of the people are frustrated due to lockdown, they are not able to go outside, people around them are dying; they cannot meet friends and even family sometimes. News data are scaring them; the worries about career and life have started killing people and sometimes their own immunity is!

But from where this sadness comes out?

The lack of mental stability, un-satisfaction, poor diet, lack of sleep, smoking, moving too little, alcohol, and drugs are the main reasons. All these emerge from lifestyle conditions which take 31 million lives in a year.

Well nobody can put down any syllabus or a shortcut for self-realization but I gave it a try just for you, Readers!

Whether you are looking asana to sleep properly, want mental peace, concentration, or precaution from a major disease, cut weight, maintain or even add, sit back, and relax. Here is a shortlist compiled for you. Practice them daily to boost your immunity and protect yourself from this global pandemic.

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth
How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

This pose strengthens your shoulders, upper back, and abdominals. It also promotes core and scapular stability, which is helpful if you’re working on inversions or arm balances.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas), Strengthens the back muscles, Improves posture, Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck

It may seem like you’re, well, just standing there, but bear with us. This is the blueprint for all other poses. It promotes balance and directs your attention to the present moment.

This pose helps improve concentration and your ability to balance by strengthening the arches of the feet and the outer hips.

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

While this pose can be challenging for those with tight muscles, it will help promote balance, stretch the hamstrings and inner thighs, and create a feeling of expansion in the body.

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

Strengthens the spine, Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen, Tones the buttocks, Stimulates abdominal organs, Helps relieve stress and fatigue, Opens the heart and lungs, Soothes sciatica, Therapeutic for asthma, The male and female reproductive system improves, Irregular menstrual cycle problems are rectified too, With the increased blood circulation your face gets a radiant look

Plank Pose ( Kumbhakasana)

Considered one of the best moves for core strength, strengthens your abdominals, and promotes stability.

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

You’ll give your inner thighs and groin a nice stretch, while the forward bend creates a calming, cooling effect.

Shoulder stand ( Salamba sarvangasana)

Like headstand, this inversion offers numerous benefits to multiple systems in the body. It’s a cooling and energetic way to end your practice.

Wheel Pose (Urdhva dhanurasana)

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

Cow Face Pose ( Gomukhasana)

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

A deep stretch of hips, ankles, thighs, shoulders, armpit, chest, deltoid and triceps, Aids chronic knee pain, Strengthens the spine and abdominals, Helps decompress low spine (during folded variation)

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

Strengthens your core, Reduces the risk of injury, Crushes calories, Strengthens the muscles of your lower body, Boosts athletic ability and strength

How to cope up with stress waves, and cooperate with immunity- Health is Wealth

It spreads a sense of calm and peace through your mind and body, it relaxes your brain, you will feel all exhaustion, stress, and anxiety leave your being, your chest and collar bones are broadened, your body alignment is improved, practicing this asana helps elongate your spine, your back becomes stronger and steadier, this asana also gives your knees and ankles a good stretch.

